Hello Hello!

25 Jan by Steph mcrae

Happy Saturday!! Long post please bare with me πŸ˜…
This season is coming around really fast! With Relax just announced for the 8th March I need everyone who is keen to please let me know ASAP! It would be great to have both seniors and juniors represent! Wembley have had such great fun at this event but we need to know NOW so we can organise accommodation ect.

Thanks to everyone who has voted on the poll for 6ers (in the seniors chat). Juniors we are still needing a few more players to make a wembley team! It’s going to be great fun (and a great preseason fitness tournament 😜) coming back from the world qualifiers I can see how the 6ers format has increased the speed and intensity of the field game, it’s exciting!

And for more exciting news, I can’t wait to let you know who the coaches for 2025 field season are-

in U14s we have managed to secure two ladies from Subiaco who both dominate in State League. Emma Green and Kate Hooper have both represent Australia, last year in box lacrosse, are regulars in the WA Senior State team and will be a great asset to Wembley, teaching the girls skills and game knowledge while having loads of fun.

Bec Banyard will be back coaching U17s this season. Her calm leadership paired with her amazing ability to understand the game and players will help develop the U17 girls into a powerhouse team.

With his breakout performance at wembley last year, coaching Div 2 to a premiership, we are extremely happy to keep @Brendan Ballarine! We are also very lucky to have Geoff White agree to coach a 2nd div 2 team SO LETS START ASKING OUR FRIENDS, SISTERS AND MUMS πŸ˜‰ if they want to wear the green and gold on Sundays with us

With the sad departure of Mel and Shendelle who will both be very missed we have found 2 very capable and very passionate people to head our State league team. I have managed to poach @Caitlin Ryan from U17s (sorry @Bec Banyard) who will bring fresh ideas from her extensive game knowledge and Aussie experience, she is ready to rock and roll – watch out girls! Teaming up with Caitlin is the one and only Dennis Banyard. We are so lucky to have him back, his record speaks for itself, his passion for the team and the game is infectious. Be sure to keep your ears open around them, you are sure to learn a thing or two.

There will be lots of information coming out in regards to 6ers, relax, uniforms and preseason so please keep checking this App. πŸ₯πŸ₯

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