Sixes Season 2025

7 Jan by Craig

Hello Wembley Families

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas break and a Happy New Year.

I have set up our junior men’s chat groups for u13s, 15s and 17s and added as many of you as I could to the correct groups for this season. If I have missed you please let me know and I will add you.
U11 will follow very soon.

LWA has introduced a small sixes comp to the calender this year for those chasing the Olympic dream and also those that are just keen to get back into lacrosse.
This is open to players in U15 and U17 for juniors and D2 and State League for seniors.

It’s an exciting opportunity and we are hoping to register a team in each age group.

Junior game times are scheduled at the following times at the moment.
Junior U15s: Saturdays between 1-3 PM
Junior U17s: Saturdays between 3-5 PM
The dates are as follows
8th Feb
14th Feb
15th March
22nd March
29th March
Finals -4th or 5th April

Please email me or message me if you’re keen and I will book you in.
Once we have teams we will sort out training etc.

Cheers Craig

Thank you

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